

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

Credit Union Marketing Automation With HubSpot

Posted December 6, 2023
11 minute read
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, credit unions are seeking efficient and user-friendly solutions to meet the needs of their members. While HubSpot has established itself as a platform that delivers these essential qualities, convincing board members of its worth can be a challenging endeavor.
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Topics Marketing Automation, Credit Union Marketing

Credit Union Marketing: Differentiating Your Credit Union

Posted November 16, 2023
8 minute read
You know the difference between your credit union and local and national banks. Banks can’t compete with your interest rates. You also know that you provide more personal, attentive customer service than banks.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

How Much Should Credit Unions Budget For Marketing?

Posted November 2, 2023
14 minute read
We regularly update this article with the latest information pertaining to Digital Marketing Budgets for Credit Unions. Last update: November 2023
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

Social Media Advertising Examples for Credit Unions

Posted November 1, 2023
5 minute read
Social media advertising for credit unions has changed quite a bit over the past few years. Finding and converting your target audience on Facebook or Instagram at one point felt akin to shooting fish in a barrel; not only could advertisers tap into the demographic attributes and on-platform interests and behaviors provided directly by users, but Facebook’s partnerships with third-party data providers allowed advertisers even more opportunities to target exactly the right person with the right message.
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Topics Facebook, Digital advertising, Credit Union Marketing

4 Credit Union Marketing Plan Ideas + How To Take Action Now

Posted October 9, 2023
21 minute read
Do a quick search for “credit union marketing strategies”, “credit union marketing plan” – or even “how to market a credit union”. You’ll find a lot of the same, thin recommendations over and over again. Most articles focus on guerrilla marketing, direct mail, in-person relationship management, and other suggestions that are not even really strategies. What’s not covered in depth is online marketing strategies for credit unions.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

Video Advertising for Credit Unions

Posted July 6, 2023
3 minute read
A credit union that has funds in the marketing budget available for brand advertising may consider YouTube or CTV. We've seen success for credit unions driving brand awareness since these rapidly growing channels are cost-effective and scalable. To illustrate the growth of these two platforms:
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Topics Digital advertising, Credit Union Marketing, Videos

3 Ways ChatSpot Can Improve Marketing ROI

Posted June 13, 2023
3 minute read
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Topics Credit Union Marketing, HubSpot for Credit Unions

Is HubSpot Secure Enough for Credit Unions?

Posted June 12, 2023
3 minute read
When you start using marketing automation software for your credit union, you want to choose a system that prioritizes the security of your member’s sensitive information. There have been numerous reports of data security breaches in which millions of people’s sensitive data has been compromised. That’s why security is always a top priority for credit unions. Your marketing automation software should be no different.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing, HubSpot for Credit Unions

The Rise of Generative AI:  How Credit Unions Can Leverage It

Posted May 26, 2023
3 minute read
Generative AI has emerged as a game-changing technology, revolutionizing the digital world in unprecedented ways. From industry advancements to the potential for credit unions to leverage this technology, the impact of generative AI cannot be overstated.
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Topics SEO, Credit Union Marketing

What Credit Union Marketers Should Know About GA4

Posted May 25, 2023
2 minute read
WebStrategies CEO, Chris Leone, discusses GA4 with Mike Lawson on CU broadcast and a summary of the changes is below.
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Topics Google Analytics, Data, Credit Union Marketing