

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

How Digital Marketing Works for Super Unique Manufacturing Products

Posted January 12, 2022
3 minute read

manufacturingWebStrategies works with all kinds of equipment manufacturers. From food processing equipment that places pepperoni on frozen pizza to equipment that wraps pallets of goods to be distributed around the globe, we understand that manufacturing clients have to identify incredibly niche markets to sell their products.

And yet, we often hear manufacturers claim that their product is too unique to be marketed online. In fact, that is not the case at all.

The best thing about digital marketing is the ability to target the right person, with the right message, at the right time. This is true across many industries, manufacturing included.

With the advanced targeting capabilities available through digital marketing tactics, it’s become more prevalent for manufacturing companies to use these techniques to generate qualified leads and ultimately sales online.

How can this work for your business? We've implemented comprehensive digital strategies for a variety of equipment manufacturers and can do so for your business, too. 

Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is imperative for equipment manufacturers with niche products. The targeting capabilities of digital ad platforms allow companies to get messages in front of the right individuals. (Read more here about how LinkedIn works well for this.)

In one case, a WebStrategies client's digital advertising strategy generated multiple qualified leads in the first month of a Google Search campaign, including several online quote requests, one for upwards of $33,000. With an impressive close rate of 75%, these quote requests are extremely meaningful to their business.

Content Marketing 

With a unique product offering, it is important to invest in content marketing as well so that your company's target audience has accessibility to the information they need about your product. The content produced should be designed to accomplish multiple goals:

  • Generate a higher volume of relevant traffic to the company’s website.
  • Provide a better online experience for end-users to find the exact information they need.
  • Convert more website visitors into qualified leads for the company’s sales team.

In this case, our client saw a 50% increase in organic traffic, largely credited to content marketing efforts.


Content marketing and SEO after often lumped together but in an effective digital strategy, SEO should be considered individually as well for companies with very specific products. Utilizing best practices for local and onsite SEO must be a part of your digital plan so that your business shows up online in your local area and search engines favor your website, bringing more qualified leads in and allowing you to capture share of voice online.

Check out this case where dedicated SEO efforts led a client's website traffic to increase by 57%. Most of their leads and opportunities have come from organic traffic, and CRO strategy has improved engagement and conversion rates, with website conversions showing an increase of 765% year over year.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Once your target audience is on your site, what will convince them to take action? Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of improving the rate at which a visitor takes a desired action on your site. For manufacturers, this typically means increasing the rate of form submissions, quote requests, or calls to your business.  With small tweaks to certain pages, a website can see measurable improvements in the rate at which site visitors enter, and ultimately call you or submit a form and become a lead.

For the same client we mentioned who improved their SEO, a CRO strategy has improved engagement and conversion rates, with website conversions showing an increase of 765% year over year.

Whether your product offering will appeal to many or few, strategic digital marketing helps manufacturers get in front of their identified target audience. With all of the pieces in place, manufacturing digital marketing proves its value, even for the most unique manufactured products.

Learn More about Digital Marketing for Manufacturers

Topics Manufacturing Marketing

Carrie Dedrick has over seven years of experience in the digital marketing space. A writer at heart, Carrie spent a significant portion of her career as an editor of a website with an audience of over 2 million people, responsible for copywriting, editing, content strategy, and organic social media. Though she started out at WebStrategies in 2019 as a client success manager, Carrie particularly enjoys her new role behind-the-scenes supporting marketing and sales initiatives through the inbound approach. A proud alumna of Bridgewater College, she earned her B.A. in Communication Studies and English in 2012.

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