

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

Kristin Harrison

Kristin Harrison
Kristin is the “tomorrow maker” for WebStrategies. She is responsible for maintaining strong, productive relationships with existing clients, and working to connect other businesses to the company’s creative thinking, strategic talent and data-driven marketing approach.

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Networking skills - 10 tips for success

Posted November 7, 2014
2 minute read
Networking events and groups are necessary and vital to grow your business. Whether you are looking for new clients, building your brand, or thinking about a career change, networking is essential to developing and nurturing your business relationships, and to increasing your sales. In today’s digital age, we can get lost in emails and social media posts, but face to face interaction remains the top value driver. Successful entrepreneurs and savvy business developers have networking plans that are multidimensional and meet a variety of goals. Here are 10 effective strategies for expanding your network:
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