

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

HubSpot's New Pricing Model for 2024: What You Need to Know

Posted March 8, 2024
2 minute read
On March 5, 2024, HubSpot rolled out significant updates to its pricing model that will affect how the platform is sold to new customers. Here's an overview of the key changes and what they mean for businesses using or considering HubSpot.
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How Much Traffic Does a Credit Union Website Get?

Posted February 24, 2024
5 minute read
You think your website is attracting a fair amount of traffic—but is it truly performing as well as you believe? Are you above or under the industry average? We know that every marketer wants accurate analysis, so let's dive into the data and help you assess your website traffic with confidence.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing, Credit Union Marketing Benchmarks

Top 3 Proven Digital Marketing Channels For Credit Unions

Posted January 4, 2024
7 minute read
As a credit union marketer, you may have a hard time keeping up with fast-changing digital marketing trends–especially if you’re juggling many responsibilities. We also often hear frustration with not being able to show a positive ROI and prove the value of digital marketing efforts.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

What is the Average Bounce Rate for Credit Union Websites?

Posted December 18, 2023
4 minute read
In 2019, we published part two of WebStrategies’ annual benchmark report blog series to discuss the average bounce rate for credit union websites. However, this metric means something totally different in GA4 than what it was in UA.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing, Credit Union Marketing Benchmarks

Critical Marketing Metrics For Credit Unions

Posted December 6, 2023
4 minute read
It’s critical to have concrete ways to track ROI on investments to your credit union’s marketing efforts. To do that, you need accurate data that you can rely on to make sound decisions. The problem is, credit union marketing metrics can be difficult to establish, understand and evaluate.
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Topics Reporting, Credit Union Marketing

Credit Union Marketing Automation With HubSpot

Posted December 6, 2023
11 minute read
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, credit unions are seeking efficient and user-friendly solutions to meet the needs of their members. While HubSpot has established itself as a platform that delivers these essential qualities, convincing board members of its worth can be a challenging endeavor.
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Topics Marketing Automation, Credit Union Marketing

Credit Union Marketing: Differentiating Your Credit Union

Posted November 16, 2023
8 minute read
You know the difference between your credit union and local and national banks. Banks can’t compete with your interest rates. You also know that you provide more personal, attentive customer service than banks.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

How Much Should Credit Unions Budget For Marketing?

Posted November 2, 2023
14 minute read
We regularly update this article with the latest information pertaining to Digital Marketing Budgets for Credit Unions. Last update: November 2023
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

Social Media Advertising Examples for Credit Unions

Posted November 1, 2023
5 minute read
Social media advertising for credit unions has changed quite a bit over the past few years. Finding and converting your target audience on Facebook or Instagram at one point felt akin to shooting fish in a barrel; not only could advertisers tap into the demographic attributes and on-platform interests and behaviors provided directly by users, but Facebook’s partnerships with third-party data providers allowed advertisers even more opportunities to target exactly the right person with the right message.
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Topics Facebook, Digital advertising, Credit Union Marketing

4 Credit Union Marketing Plan Ideas + How To Take Action Now

Posted October 9, 2023
21 minute read
Do a quick search for “credit union marketing strategies”, “credit union marketing plan” – or even “how to market a credit union”. You’ll find a lot of the same, thin recommendations over and over again. Most articles focus on guerrilla marketing, direct mail, in-person relationship management, and other suggestions that are not even really strategies. What’s not covered in depth is online marketing strategies for credit unions.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing