

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

[Video] Marketing Automation Workflow Examples

Posted August 23, 2017
2 minute read

On our recent Facebook Live broadcast, we discussed some of the many ways that marketing automation workflows can be employed to accelerate sales cycles, re-engage cold leads, retain customers and more.

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Having workflows in place for each stage of the customer lifecycle can dramatically impact sales and marketing results, from close rates to customer retention rates, and can increase efficiency in the sales process. Thinking beyond basic email drip campaigns and devoting time to developing and executing workflow strategies will pay dividends well into the future. 

Watch the recording of our broadcast below for examples of successful marketing automation workflows. 

If you have questions about marketing automation, feel free to reach out to me at 


Marketing automation overview

Want to learn more about marketing automation? We covered how to choose a marketing automation platform, types of businesses who can benefit most, and how to get started on a previous WebStrategies Live broadcast. Watch here

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Topics Inbound Marketing, Sales & Marketing, Marketing Automation, Digital Marketing

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