

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

[Video] When not to use the most popular digital marketing tactics

Posted June 13, 2018
2 minute read

When you should (and should NOT) use the most popular digital marketing tactics

Even the most effective digital tactics can sometimes be the wrong way to invest your money. In our last Facebook Live show, we covered the best times (and worst times) to spend money on SEO, PPC, CRO, social media, marketing automation and more.
Let's say you have a lot of website traffic but aren't converting that traffic into leads and customers. You have a much different problem than a company with a high conversion rate but very few website visitors, and should prioritize your marketing efforts accordingly. Why spend money on a problem you don't have?
Using the Attract> Engage> Convert framework, we'll help you identify where you need the most help,  and which digital tactics to focus on now based on your areas of greatest opportunity.

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Watch our 22 minute video below to learn whether you're focusing on the right tactics to improve your results.

If you have any questions about what we covered, feel free to reach out to me at 

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Topics Inbound Marketing, Digital Marketing

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