

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

Access Results from our 2022 Manufacturer Marketing Survey

Posted February 7, 2023
2 minute read

ManufacturingSurveyResults1This is our first post-pandemic manufacturing survey and we are happy to see many aspects of marketing are returning to normal. As trade shows have re-emerged manufacturers are finding success in face-to-face connections and live demonstrations.

However, the way the pandemic forced everyone into expanding the use of digital tactics, will not be shelved because the effectiveness, cost savings, and convenience can’t be ignored.

Read The ReportHighlights of the 2022 Results:

  • Digital marketing remains a priority; 100% surveyed said they plan to increase or maintain their digital marketing budgets. However, only 26% of respondents allocate at least 50% of their marketing budgets to digital channels.
  • Referrals/word of mouth is the top way manufacturers say leads are generated. Closely behind are leads generated from their website and digital advertising.
  • 50% see a positive return on their marketing investment, but 45% simply don’t know because they don’t have a way to measure ROI on marketing.
  • When asked what the biggest changes in the marketing aspect of manufacturing are in the next three years, many indicated digital channels will grow even more since the audience has become comfortable with it during the pandemic.
  • 47% report not having a marketing automation tool. That is slightly ironic since a common theme in the expected changes in overall changes in the manufacturing industry includes automation. It’s a great time to automate marketing tasks and deliver more personalized and customized experiences to customers and prospects.

Send us your questions about the survey results or drop us a comment! Contact us to chat about the trends that we're seeing with equipment manufacturing marketing and what digital strategy would best align with your company's goals.

Read The Report

Topics Digital Marketing, Manufacturing Marketing

Shelly is the Agency Marketing Manager at WebStrategies and showcases our services to prospective clients while listening to existing clients and team members to continually address their digital marketing needs. In 2009 she began her digital marketing career as an account manager with Impression Marketing; a company that is now part of WebStrategies. As a two-time graduate of Virginia Tech, she’s worked in digital roles at Capital One Financial and a leading local news organization in Richmond. After further honing her experience in content marketing, lead generation, email marketing, and social media promotions, Shelly joined WebStrategies in 2022.

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