Conversion Rate Optimization for Equipment Manufacturers

Optimizing your website to improve user experience and increase conversion rates.

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What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?

Conversion rate optimization is the process of improving the rate at which a visitor takes a desired action on your site. For manufacturers, this typically means increasing the rate at which they submit a contact form, request a quote, or call your business. Unlike other digital marketing tactics, conversion rate optimization is not about driving new visitors to your website. Instead, it's about increasing the rate at which they do what you want once they're there.

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Why CRO Works for Manufacturers

Manufacturing company websites are excellent candidates for conversion rate optimization due to their clear indications of success (receiving phone calls, quote requests, etc.) and potentially high volume in website traffic. With only minimum tweaks to certain pages, a website can see measurable improvements in the rate at which site visitors enter, and ultimately call you or submit a form and become a lead.


CRO for Manufacturers: Our Approach

Our process for manufacturers begins with implementing sound, reliable website analytics tracking. Once we can better understand how visitors behave, we can identify where the best opportunities exist. From there, we focus on ways to improve messaging, page design, and calls to action to increase the rate visitors accomplish a specific task, like submitting a form or picking up the phone to call your company. We utilize A/B testing to see how well these changes have the intended impact on the user experience.

Our goal is to incrementally improve the conversion rate of a page, but it’s important to test ideas and confirm that they are having the desired effect. Not every test will result in an improvement, and that’s just part of the process of dialing in the best approach. We recommend continuous improvements over time so that it’s possible to isolate what is impacting the conversion rate and other page metrics.

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How We Measure CRO For Manufacturers

Measuring conversion rate optimization involves tracking the rate at which visitors accomplish a goal on your website (known as 'conversion rate'). This process typically results in a net lift in conversions overall. We also use metrics like bounce rate and time on page to determine how well a page is resonating with a visitor along with several other metrics that show incremental improvement on a user's website experience.

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